About Us
"COMPACT" – "Binding agreement or understanding, (of substance), close, dense, fine-grained; as to fill little space, well-knit"
Now in the US
Compactlaw.com is our new free US legal document service. Our UK service is compactlaw.co.uk
The First
CompactLaw was formed in 1996 in the UK. We were the first company in the UK to provide free legal information and services via the Internet. From the very beginning, we have provided free and detailed legal information to our customers; in fact, we are still the only website to offer such a level of service.
Legal Documents
We were also the first site to offer a comprehensive legal document service.
Independent - with great Partners
CompactLaw is a privately run, profitable, and self-funding company; we are not owned by any other organization or law firm. But we have some great partners.